If you or a member of your family loves to ride on a motorcycle, it is important that you remain aware of the unique risks associated with riding on two wheels. While a motorcycle offers an unparalleled experience and a great ability to enjoy the lovely New Jersey outdoors, it does not come without some potential dangers. The inherent lack of protection around a biker makes every accident potentially devastating. Opening car doors, car blind spots, poorly maintained roadways and more are just some of the things riders have to contend with.
Records from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that the number of motorcyclist fatalities across the state has increased from 2013 to 2017. In 2013, there were 56 recorded biker deaths. That increased to 62 the next year. Fortunately, 2015 saw a dip down to 50 deaths but that was tragically followed by two significant increases. First, in 2016, New Jersey lost 71 motorcyclists on its roads and highways. Then, in 2017, biker fatalities in the Garden State totaled 83.
During that five-year period spanning 2013 to 2017, Ocean County and its three neighboring counties recorded a collective 78 motorcyclists in various accidents. Monmouth County led the deaths with 22 followed closely by Ocean County where another 20 bikers perished. In both Burlington County and Atlantic County, 18 motorcyclists died over that span of time.
If you would like to learn more about the steps involved in seeking compensation after you or someone in your family has been involved in a motorcycle accident, please feel free to visit the motorcyclists’ rights and assistance page of our New Jersey personal injury website.